Saturday, July 21, 2012

Pledge to Fledge

A personal invitation to me and readers of "Birding is Fun!" from Richard Crossley. Richard actually called me on my cell phone...can you believe it?! I am honored to participate in the Pledge to Fledge movement. Won't you join us?

Coming up this August 24th-26th, all across the world, enthusiastic birders are invited to share their passion for birds with friends and other non-birders. These birders will share their efforts with the world through photos, videos, and stories on the Pledge to Fledge (P2F) website and social media channels. Be a part of P2F 2012 and make your “Pledge to Fledge” a new birder TODAY! Visit the website to learn more.
On the 10th of January, 2009, as indicated in the photo above, I led my first bird-walk in my neighborhood in the Boise foothills. Every person attending was a non-birder, except me. It was awesome! I think we only saw nine species that morning and one of the "non-birders" found a roosting Great Horned Owl which instantly captured the hearts of everyone there. Bam! A dozen new fans of birds and birding.

Here we are, about three years later, and I still remain in contact with several of those first attendees. While not all of them are passionate seekers of birds, they all remain interested in birds and most have backyard feeders and are excited to tell me about each new bird that arrives. (I thought these winter scenes might also help us cool down a bit in the blazing dog days of summer).
Birding is one of the greatest pastimes of all time! It can be enjoyed on so many different levels pretty much anywhere in the world. Sharing birding with others is often more rewarding than seeing new life birds.

Click here to take the Pledge to Fledge!


  1. I have already taken the pledge and was happy to do it. Birding is such a wonderful hobby. So spread the word!!

  2. Wonderful Robert, I took the pledge earlier and it is a great idea that seems to be spreading fast.

  3. I'm off to check out the Pledge to Fledge website! Birding brings such joy!
