Tuesday, July 24, 2012

See the Beauty in Common

I received some interesting emails after my last post There's No Place Like Home.  Most were requests to see my backyard bird photography studio or advice on setting one up, which will be the subject of my next post.  However, one email in particular made me think a little after I read it.  Given the outpouring of support for  Pledge 2 Fledge, I decided this post should be about the beauty of common bird species.

White Breasted Nuthatch
You see, the reader of my last post seemed to think they were getting bored with just photographing the same species and wanted to branch out (pun intended :-)) into different species but didn't have the time or companionship to make that next move.  What I tried to do in this post and in my email response to the reader, is show some common backyard and park species doing something special or looking really good!

American Goldfinch Female Preening
American Goldfinch Male

One of the most important things in bird watching in my opinion is observing varying bird behaviors and learning to appreciate and see the differences in the birds as the seasons change.  How could you ever be bored with that?
Northern Cardinal Male Transitional
House Finch Male

Black Capped Chickadee
Tufted Titmouse
I hope you agree, that there is beauty in common.  Now go out and enjoy some common bird species!  And remember, we are all out here because Birding is Fun!


  1. Beautiful....I especially like the preening goldfinch photo.

  2. Super post. I couldn't agree more, that many folks should spend more time watching the common birds. Appreciating their subtle beauty and learning more on their behavior can be fascinating and make for wonderful shots like yours here.

  3. I totally agree with you, any common bird could be made to look special in a photo, if you you look for a special moment in its behavior. Your photos in this post are absolutely breath-taking!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thanks very much for your comments. I enjoy seeing the extraordinary from the ordinary. Its also a great way to drive interest to the hobby.

  6. Though the new and exotic birds are thrilling I must say that I also enjoy my common backyard birds and will miss many of the New England species when I move back to Tucson! there will be no chickadees, nuthatches or blue jays where I am going and I will miss their familiar calls and amusing antics! Make sure you save a few for me to see when I come back to visit! Nice job Vincent!

    1. We will miss you Kathy but I look forward to seeing and reading about what species you have in your new yard!

  7. Excellent post Vincent! Some of my favorite bird photography is simply that...great images of the common birds, but photographed uncommonly well. Well done!

  8. Superb post! I never ever tire at seeing common backyard birds. Indeed your photographs show off the beauty of these lovely feathered friends. Fantastic series of images!
