Sunday, October 31, 2010

While I was birding...

Happy Halloween!!!

Box Elder Bugs are creepy, but cool looking.  Don't squish 'em though.  Their guts stink somethin' fierce.


  1. Yea, we have one like that, but its green and it stinks.

  2. I wondered about these bugs. They have been trying to get into our house, collecting at the doorstep and around windows. Thanks for the warning on the odor. I haven't crushed any, generally try to respect bug life too, as long as they are not harmful.

  3. Thanks Bob and Hilke for leaving a comment! These Box Elder Bugs often come in such numbers that it is impossible not to squish a few. I once had one in my office and squished it in a kleenex and it stunk up the whole office.

  4. Oh goodness - that's what those things are... I generally try to evict them without harming them since I try to respect all creatures as much as I can. Now I'm glad I have... to stink up an office - yuck!

    Love your blog - your photos are great, and your bird list is amazing! Birding is definitely fun - I feel blessed to have so many feathered friends around here. Thanks for sharing yours!

  5. hee hee..I think they are beautiful, would never want to squish one. :)
