We had a family reunion this last weekend at a primitive campsite just a couple miles east of Featherville, Elmore County, Idaho. I had hoped it would be more "birdy" as the name "Featherville" might indicate, but for my family's sake it was probably good that it was not. I did enjoy what I did see.

Coming up Wood Creek Rd, before getting to Anderson Ranch Reservoir, there were Mountain Bluebirds (Idaho's State Bird) at white & blue numbered boxes. I assume these are some of Al Larson's boxes that he built and monitors. At the campground itself I had Red-breasted Nuthatches, Mountain Chickadees, and Chipping Sparrows coming to within a few feet of where I sat lounging in a camp chair. We had a Western Tanager come through the camp as well as Yellow-rumped Warblers and an always fun to see Lewis's Woodpecker.

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