Whale watch trips are often a great place to find seabirds such as Shearwaters.

On a trip a few years ago on the Granite State Whale Watch out of Rye, NH, we were lucky to see whales, such as this young Humpback Whale doing a spinning breach near our boat, as well as many hundreds of seabirds. We weren't counting as much as looking and I was also photographing. The seabirds were out feeding with the whales, near Jeffrey's Ledge, a 33 mile long shallow glacial deposit underwater formation that stretches from off Rockport, Mass. to south of Cape Elizabeth, Maine. Because of nutrient rich upwelling from the deeper waters next to the ledge, it's very productive of food (small fish, mollusks, crustaceans) for the whales and other marine creatures. Above is a Great Shearwater in flight. By far, the most numerous seabirds we saw were Great Shearwaters. They have grayish brown upperparts, a dark cap and a variable white collar. This one has less of a collar. You can see the narrow U-shaped white patch on the rump.
We also saw a fair number of Cory's Shearwaters, shown here. The yellow bill is quite prominent, a help with their ID.

t ain't easy to photograph seabirds. First of all, you're on a moving boat. We were lucky in that the seas were calm, with no big swells. Some tips are to brace yourself against the wall of the boat, keep your knees slightly flexed and plant your feet somewhat widely to steady yourself. Forget a tripod. The boat is crowded, rocking and you have to manuever around people. Use a telephoto lens with image stabilization. I had a Canon 300 mm IS lens with a 1.4 teleconverter (giving me 420 mm) and a Canon Mark II camera (I now have the Canon 1D Mark IV). If you can hand-hold the heavy 500 mm lens or the 300 mm f 2.8 lens then good for you, they are too heavy for me.
Here's a Great Shearwater taking off, love the pinkish feet.
Another species we saw was this Sooty Shearwater, an easy ID because of its almost all over sooty color, except for the whitish on the underwing primary coverts.
Here's what it really looks like, with lots of little shapes bobbing on the water. These are Greater Shearwaters, but you need to look carefully at each group of birds and all birds flying by to ID them. A good ID guide to Shearwaters and other seabirds is our The Stokes Field Guide to The Birds of North America. So if you are going to be near the coast this summer, book a whale watch or seabird trip and experience some amazing birds.
Lillian Stokes
I like the one of the Great Shearwater taking off. I saw one off the coast of southern Victoria, Australia, a couple of years ago as a rarity - an attractive bird.
ReplyDeleteI did a similiar trip a couple of weeks ago and a pelagic this past weekend. The sea is not so kind to me but pelagic birds are just amazing. Awesome photos and an awesome experience!
ReplyDeleteThanks Jesus. I hope more birders go on these trips, the birds are just incredible.
ReplyDeleteFantastic photos! I definitely need to take this trip sometime!
ReplyDeleteGreat whale shot! It's fun to see other cool wildlife when birding. Sometimes we birders get tunnel vision.
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed this very much, Lillian and especially appreciate your comments about shooting these birds in a crowded rocking boat. Reminds me of my trip to Seal Island in 2008, shooting the red-billed tropicbird. You came back with some excellent images!
ReplyDeleteLooks like an exciting trip full of wonderful finds. And a whale to boot!
ReplyDeleteSounds like you had a marvelous trip with terrific sightings ... marine and avian. Fantastic! Superb photographs!
ReplyDeleteLillian, I have only seen one species of shearwaters in my life and they were Manx Shearwaters seen at Revere Beach in Massachusetts. at the time I did not even know what they were or where to look for them in my bird guide! I had to ask friends on facebook and they pointed me in the right direction. what a thrill! It must have been equally thrilling to see all of those shearwaters but the whale spinning must have been most amazing of all! Thanks for all the great tips and the views!
ReplyDeleteWow, awesome bird sightings and a cool whale shot. Great post!