I attended President Jeff Gordon's presentation on "What's new with the ABA?" at the Midwest Birding Symposium. He handed out ABA pass-along cards, which were discussed on the ABA Blog and ABA Facebook page. For the rest of the symposium, I carried my ABA cards in my name badge holder, which perfectly exposed the awesome Louise Zemaitis rendering of the ABA Bird-of-the-Year, the American Kestrel. Several other birders asked me what that card was, so I gave them one...a little invitation to learn more about the ABA and to consider joining. This was very effective ABA marketing in the bird festival setting.

President Gordon also mentioned that if you were serious about being an ABA advocate-recruiter-missionary-ambassador-promoter, then you could email the ABA and request some cards printed with your information in the customize-able section on the back of the card. Below is a mock-up I made for myself. I don't know that the ABA would have the budget to print color logos and whatnot, but wouldn't this be a nice card to share with other birders and non-birders alike. What a great way to share the message of the ABA, invite folks to become new members, and provide a communication link between you and the people you meet while birding.

Wow, how cool is that? I want some!ultdm